Kinesiology Practitioner Treatment Training Days One-to-One Mentoring & Tuition
I am just back from Linda Belcher’s Practitioner Treatment Training Day, which I thoroughly enjoyed and found incredibly useful. During the day I was able to refresh myself with lots of techniques already covered (with Linda) in my Level 1-4 training, as well as learn a few new ones (exciting!). The other participants were a good mix of experience from both Kinesiology and other disciplines too. As Linda says, when you lie down you know nothing, so it was so great to have the combination of a full treatment with Linda (awesome as usual!), as well as time to observe and discuss the treatments of the other participants. I wasn’t surprised to find people had travelled from all over to attend as this is such a worthwhile day. I would highly recommend it, whether you’re a Kinesiology student (at any level) or a therapist in another field who’s interested in how Kinesiology works. Thank you Linda for running this invaluable one day workshop – it was so much fun, I am planning to do it again later in the year! |
Next date: Tuesday 16th January 2024 - Maximum 6 people |
If you are a Kinesiologist, trained at any level it is very important that you keep up to date with techniques and have your own regular treatments. If you are just starting out learning kinesiology it can be quite hard to get enough clients to keep your knowledge and it can be quite daunting and isolating if you have questions to ask and want a recap. It is also critical that you look after yourself too with your own kinesiology sessions. The same goes for any other Kinesiology discipline - Systematic, Touch for Health, Health Kinesiology, Creative Kinesiology - it is important to have your own kinesiology treatments. Variety is the spice of life so why not try the Systematic Kinesiology approach Well, how about joining other Holistic Practitioners for a day where you receive your OWN kinesiology session FROM ME which is observed by the other Practitioners and then swap over so you then get to watch and learn from others' kinesiology treatments. We all find our own style when within kinesiology and there is no "right or wrong" kinesiology approach necessarily, so we can also learn from each others' styles and techniques. OR have a one-to-one tuition/mentoring session with me paid by the hour as an opportunity to recap or talk through existing clients kinesiology sessions This can also be attended by anyone interested in kinesiology and health - whether you are from a massage background, reflexology, nutrition, or a complete novice - just interested for your own self development. Suitable for CPD Call me on 07787 194337 if you are interested |
Thank you for today, it was amazing and i enjoyed every minute.Also my neck hasn't been painful since "I recently undertook the day Practitioner course with Linda. I thoroughly enjoyed it, Linda is incredibly knowledgeable and is able to communicate this knowledge with ease. Her approach is very down to earth thus putting you at ease with your own abilities as a kinesiologist. "This is the third course I have done with Linda and I have enjoyed the content and teaching style of all of them"A thoroughly enjoyable and worthwhile day. Having a treatment and being able to ask lots of questions really cemented in what we've learned. Would definitely recommend." DG Kent Very pleased I made the journey from Margate to Brighton for the Kinesiology Treatment/Training day. It was a great opportunity to review techniques I have already covered in my kinesiology training and to learn some new ones. Fascinating to watch an experienced practitioner respondIng to a range of issues, thinking on her feet and sharing her reasoning with us as she did so. Lovely to meet other practitioners and to have a treatment from Linda which has helped me to see the next step in my own professional development more clearly. Thank you Linda |